Monday, 15 June 2015

APBF and Romanian Embassy sign MOU to promote trade & culture

The ‘All Pakistan Business Forum’ (APBF) under the capable leadership of Mr. Ibrahim Qureshi, President APBF serves as a vibrant business association which promotes the interests of the business community and industry. The Forum also advocates fair business policies and transparency as part of its mandate. Capitalizing on its high-profiled representation from 2000 members belonging to diverse commercial sectors, the APBF has taken various initiatives in collaboration with leading enterprises and associations, for social development and creating an enabling environment for business to perform and invest in Pakistan.

The MoU Signing ceremony was chaired by His Excellency Mr. Ion Emilian Ambassador of Romania along with the President APBF – Ibrahim Qurashi.
In order to achieve its developmental objectives, APBF has recently entered into a valuable collaboration with the Romanian Embassy in Pakistan. According to this MoU signed between APBF and the Romanian Embassy, both the countries will promote; Trade links and Cultural exchanges to nurture closer understanding between Romania and Pakistan. Through this programme B2B meetings and business delegation visits will be conducted for sector specific match-making and interaction between development initiatives and the stakeholders. These activities will also increase educational ties and support on social development, especially for the development of Women Entrepreneurs. This collaboration will promote; trade, health, education, culture, gender equity and other development programs in Pakistan.

His Excellency Mr. Ion Emilian Ambassador of Romania said “the Embassy of Romania in Pakistan, is focused on a wide range of programs to collaborate with Pakistan including trade, health, education, public diplomacy, culture, gender equity, and development, etc, it is seeking good partners”.
The President of APBF – Mr. Ibrahim Qureshi expressed his gratitude to the Ambassador of Romania for collaborating with APBF. He stated that; “APBF is thankful to our new partner The Romanian Embassy, for helping us play a key role in national progress. We are effectively striving to bring Business Leaders, Chambers and Associations on a united platform to endeavor for a strong and prosperous Pakistan with sustainable growth, ensured through effective policies followed in continuity, resulting in better quality of life for the people of Pakistan."

Ibrahim Qureshi  President APBF informed the media that; "Over the years, APBF has made numerous valuable contributions towards the progress and growth of the national economy. We are making consistent efforts to identify and engage resourceful organizations and entrepreneurs, to create new opportunities and mutual benefits through our shared values and wisdom."

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